Thursday, April 14, 2011

Social Entertainment Media

        The entertainment media industry has developed and evolved over the past decade in very intrusting ways. One of the biggest changes I have noticed is the stronghold social networking has taken on the industry. In a matter of a day a new music video, song, movie, trailer or ad can spread and generate buzz throughout a half a million users. In this new age its about the now and next and the "then" comes much quicker, fifteen minutes of fame does not exist anymore its boiled down to fifteen seconds.
       Common tools of social networking such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube brought about this even faster moving online world that we all inhabit and this has made marketing, promotion and advertizing for companies and artists an easy task. When project development begins you can be sure that there is some form of viral internet tactic that will be used.

       Successful and popular examples of this include the Old Spice commercials and Geico commercials that make you laugh more then think about there product. These videos have led to response videos on there YouTube pages, which involve the Old Spice Guy and Geico's Overly Serious, Hard Boiled Question guy answering questions from fans and user, it should go with out saying that the question were collected from each companies Facebook and Twitter page. One more example of marketing I have is the Wheat Thins van tracking down Twitter follower and making commercials from it.
       Steeping away from Marketing we can also look at Artists who made a career using YouTube. Some names you may know include Bo Burnham, Katy Perry and Justin Bieber. These people used YouTube to showcase there talents and they were picked up be labels after gaining substantial subscribers. Now it is pretty much required for artists to have have Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages not only to promote them self but also live shows because now albums and MP3s just don't cut it and the demand for shows and interactivity with fans has become a necessity.
    Social networking has changed us and the entertainment world, Social media is the new front line and I look forward to see how it will evolve and change with us further, hopefully it will always be for the better.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Media Blender: Puree Review

Media Blender: Puree Review: "Today I bring you two movie, game and new TV series reviews. First is Rango, Rango tells the story of one odd lizard who is seeking out hi..."

Media Blender: It Came from Over Seas

Media Blender: It Came from Over Seas: " It should not really come as a surprise when you find out that your favorite foreign film or over seas show is getting a US version. Th..."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Puree Review

Today I bring you two movie, game and new TV series reviews.

First is Rango, Rango tells the story of one odd lizard who is seeking out his own true colors after he becomes stranded in the Mojave desert. At the heart of this film you Will find a wonderfully animated tail with a assortment of hilarious characters who join rango in his journey of pain, adventure, stories and water. This movie is all around fun and enjoyable, with both savvy adult humor as well as slapstick children laughs that adults too enjoy. The Nicktoons studio gives use this great cast and stunning animation which makes this movie worth your buck, two thumbs up.

Second I bring you Sucker Punch, a action fantasy thriller that takes us in to the mind of a young women's fantasy that she creates after being committed to a metal institution. This movie has gotten some negative reviews and i tend to agree with a few but not all. As cool as awesome loud action packed fights with scantly plaid gorgeous women are, it still leaves something missing, however when seeing a film like this i don't expect great depth or character development that's why its straight forward yet obscure plot line and music video style transitions,  Zack Snyder does give us what we want or at least think what we want. In the end Sucker Punch is just that, one thumb down.

Speaking of Sucker Punch I bring you The Sly Collection review. This wonderful diamond in the rough is a great deal for any fan of the cooper gang. This remaster Ps3 game has all three Sly Cooper games with 3d and move capability. The graphics are much and noticeably improved but still gives you that nostalgic feeling. There are also four new mini games which are fun to play a few time around. My biggest fault i found with the game was its lack of bonus content features and the wanting feeling it left with me for a brand new cooper game.

Next on the chop block is Homefront, this game reminds me of a cross between Killzone 2 and battlefield bad company. Personally I'm a CoD kinda guy and vehicle combat statige just isnt my thing. However the game is heavy loaded with a wide range of weapon, vechile and equipment selection and the perk and load style make for vast combinations of destruction. My fault with the game is its just not my style and the higher level players have can have the ability to spawn in a vechile but that's half the fun i guess, I'm spit on this review one thumb up one thumb down.

Finally I had the fortune to watch two new TV series and here is my review on both to wrap this weeks blog blend up.

Fist is the newest Starz fictional fantasy drama and for those who have seen past Starz shows such as Deadwood or Spartacus you will be familiar with the formula. This show has a strong cast and a exciting fictional grown up plot line and script that revolves around the Arthurian legend. The approach to magic and this fantasy grownup Camelot world will be a entrusting one, two thumbs up.

Last I bring you The Kennedy's. Now with films like The kings Speech wining best picture I was not surprised when I saw ads for this new historical drama. This will be a eight part mini series which i found addictive. Tom Wilkinson's performance as Joseph Kennedy as well as other fairly authentic performances pull you right in, just remember the TV is not giving you a history lesson and this gets two thumbs up.